Sunday, June 26, 2011


Hey y'all,

So since I last updated my blog I have travelled to Munich and have gotten to get a pretty good feel for Germany, I think.

Munich is simultaneously different and similar to Berlin. Obviously, they are in very different geographical areas, but Munich also seems to have retained an atmosphere from the past. Beer gardens, barvarian courtyards and everyday men walking around in lederhosen definitely make a striking contrast to Berlin. At the same time, there are many things that remain the same. People in Germany absolutely refuse to cross a road unless the crosswalk sign is green - regardless of whether there is any oncoming traffic. Also, they like order and regularity. A good example of this is when I was on a metro in Berlin. Two spaniards boarded the tram and started playing loud trombone and trumpet music. Almost all of the other passengers rolled their eyes and covered their ears at this intrusion into their quiet metro ride. Paris, Madrid, and barcelona were not like this.

Bmw's and Mercedes comprise at least half of the cars here; even the taxis and garbage trucks are almost exclusively mercedes. Also, Germans, unlike the other European countries I have visited, have grocery stores. I'm talking about real supermarkets, not just a local grocer with a rather abysmal selection of food. No, Germans have decent places to buy food, and I definitely like that.

Today I went with my friend Brian on a free walking tour of the city. Brian is from hong kong and I have really enjoyed hanging out with him. We travelled to the haufbrauhaus (munich's most famous beer hall), the old fraukenkirche church, the city's own version of the arc deed triomph, munich's maypole, the Munich opera house, the residenz palace (not very interesting), and saw the marienplatz town hall building with its glockenspiel. That was very different from any town hall I have seen. It reminded me a little of the big bad wolf section of busch gardens, only this was the real thing.

This has truly been an unforgettable trip, and I have enjoyed Both the awesome sights as well as the time alone to think and relax. I have rediscovered how much I like reading, for one, and hopefully I can continue that when I get back to the states.

Until next time...

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